External evaluations for dyslexia: do the data support parent concerns?
Annals of Dyslexia - Springer
A grassroots movement of parents who fear that their children’s reading struggles are going unrecognized at school has led to dyslexia laws in all but three states in the U.S. The current study was undertaken to provide data relevant to this topic by characterizing the reading profiles of 71 children referred for testing at a center specializing in the assessment of reading disabilities. These children were receiving instruction and intervention in reading across the tiers of instructional support in general and special education within their schools. On average, the children demonstrated equivalent deficits in print literacy skills on norm-referenced assessments regardless of the intensity of their reading support, and the majority of children who were only receiving tier 1 instruction exhibited characteristics of dyslexia. Moreover, 69% of children only receiving tier 1 instruction, and all remaining children, performed below benchmark expectations on a curriculum-based measure of oral reading fluency. While these data are not an evaluation of the implementation of the state’s dyslexia laws or the statewide implementation of RTI, they provide data characterizing the real struggles and lack of identification of children whose parents seek an external evaluation of their children’s reading skills. However, they are set in the context of a state in which 66% of public-school children cannot read proficiently by the end of the third grade. The reading struggles highlighted in this clinic referral sample are unexceptional in the larger state context.